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20 results:
11. FAQ  
Unlike in a movie theater, we can only sell one slot per "performance". Our terms and conditions are therefore strict in this respect. We will try to find an arrangement with you, but please also…  
12. FAQ  
If your glasses are not huge, they will fit under the VR glasses without any problems. However, you'll have the best experience with contact lenses.Do I have to wear contact lines? Can I wear my…  
13. FAQ  
Nein, die Spiele entwickelt unsere Schweizer Partnerfirma TrueVRSystems in Dietlikon, sowie Somniacs für den Birdly Flugsimulator in Zürich. Mehr Informationen findest du hier: Fusion Arena…  
14. FAQ  
Yes, the experience is wireless on 100 - 200 square meters depending on the game. Can I move freely in the game?  
15. FAQ  
Most games require teamwork. In PvP (Person vs Person) shooters, you can split up into 2 teams and play against each other. Do we play against each other?  
16. FAQ  
At your own risk and liability. There is a risk of an epileptic seizure in VR, which is why Fusion Arena and the manufacturers of VR glasses disclaim all liability.  Is it allowed to…  
17. FAQ  
Experience after several years of operation in the Fusion Arena since 2018 clearly shows that less than 1% of visitors have had to cancel their experience due to nausea or discomfort. If you feel…  
18. FAQ  
Yes, you see all the players and you can also recognize them by their height and body language. Each player can communicate with his or her teammates via microphone and headphone. Do I see and…  
19. FAQ  
Then you'll receive further instructions via the headset. What if we don't get ahead?  
20. FAQ  
Sure, that's no problem. Our employees speak German and English fluently. The game itself contains no written or spoken language. Can you also guide us through the game in English?  
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