How does a booking work for you? How much time do we need?

If you are playing a full-body VR game, you will need around 1 hour:

  1. 15 minutes before your appointment, you show up for the admin stuff, including check-in with rules and liability waiver
  2. At booking time, you watch the health & safety video
  3. You will then be introduced to the technology and the mission
  4. Now it's time to get started: off to the VR room to get dressed
  5. The mission itself lasts 21-30 minutes, depending on the game and your speed
  6. After the mission, it's time to take your gear off.
  7. The non-paying lounge games are included with your ticket. After the game, you can also have a drink with us and talk about the experience.

You can expect around 90 minutes for a double round.


At what age is it allowed to play?

Since we no longer have backpack PCs, the size restriction is no longer applicable. In principle, the headset also fits on an 8-year-old child. Our recommendation is not to go below 10 years old for adventure games and 13 years old for first-person shooters (FPS). Please note that according to the Youth Protection Act, minors under the age of 16 may only visit the Fusion Arena if accompanied by an adult or with explicit written consent.

Children/Youth Groups (12 years and younger):

For up to 5 players, the game can be played independently. From 6 players onwards, a participating adult is required for coordination in the game.


The New Youth Protection Act 2025 in Switzerland

From January 1, 2025, providers like us will also be held accountable if we allow children and adolescents to play games that are not suitable for their age.

Press release: https://bit.ly/40fFd0X.

What does this mean specifically?
  • The two zombie shooters are definitively no longer allowed to be played by anyone under 16 years of age.
  • PvP shooters against each other contain no blood and will remain playable from the age of 10.
  • An exception applies only if the content is not exclusively intended for adults (18+) and the child is accompanied by an adult who is at least 10 years older (Art. 7 Sec. 2a JSFVG).
  • This exception does not apply to PEGI-18 content, but only to content below this threshold.


Liability Waiver Regardless of the New Regulation

As a general rule, children, and adolescents under 18 years of age must be accompanied by their parents or guardians for the signed liability waiver to be valid.

You are carrying equipment worth approximately CHF 10,000 per person, meaning any damage automatically falls under liability insurance.

What is needed for under-18s if parents do not accompany them?

  • Authorization: Parents can provide prior written consent for their child to participate in the activity and simultaneously approve the liability waiver. This authorization must be clearly and explicitly formulated for the visit to our facility.
  • Parental Accompaniment: The safest option is for a parent or legal guardian to be present on-site to sign the liability waiver.


What if there are more than 10 of us?

Our advisory team is available for events with more than ten people. We will be happy to discuss with you the best option for your event with individual bookings or the private event package.


Where can I see your available dates?

Either for each game under "Book now" or use the spontaneous booking option if you don't yet know which game you want to play.

Do I have to wear contact lines? Can I wear my glasses?

If your glasses are not huge, they will fit under the VR glasses without any problems.

However, you'll have the best experience with contact lenses.

What if we are one more person?

If the game allows the number of players (you can see this in the game overview, number of players min/max), then you simply pay the surcharge on site. Please understand that we cannot refund players who have paid too much. In such a case we will issue a voucher.


When should we be there? Arrival

We recommend that you arrive on time or 10-15 minutes before your appointment.

In the menu "Contact" you can find the directions to the Fusion Arena..

Can you also guide us through the game in English?

Sure, that's no problem. Our employees speak German and English fluently. The game itself contains no written or spoken language.


How long does a game last?

The duration of the game varies between 20 and 30 minutes. Please note that this is the pure duration of the mission in the goggles. You should allow around one hour for your stay with us, including arrival, introduction, mission briefing and suiting up. You can find more information on this in the product description of the respective experience.


Can we postpone our appointment at short notice?

Unlike in a movie theater, we can only sell one slot per "performance". Our terms and conditions are therefore strict in this respect. We will try to find an arrangement with you, but please also understand our situation. The average advance booking time for an event with several people in Switzerland is 2 weeks.

What if we don't get ahead?

Then you'll receive further instructions via the headset.


When are new games coming out? How do I find out about them?

We usually receive 2 new games per year. It's best to follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter. This way you will also see special offers.

What if I get sick during the game?

Experience after several years of operation in the Fusion Arena since 2018 clearly shows that less than 1% of visitors have had to cancel their experience due to nausea or discomfort. If you feel unwell, you can notify the gamemaster and remove the VR glasses at any time. All experiences are always accompanied by a VR operator who will support you.

Can we drink alcohol before the game?

We do not recommend it, as the risk of accidents increases. Please note that you are carrying 7000 - 10,000 francs worth of equipment - per player, mind you. The technical equipment is not mass-produced, which makes repairs costly. 


Is it allowed to experience VR as an epileptic?

At your own risk and liability. There is a risk of an epileptic seizure in VR, which is why Fusion Arena and the manufacturers of VR glasses disclaim all liability. 


Do we play against each other?

Most games require teamwork. In PvP (Person vs Person) shooters, you can split up into 2 teams and play against each other.


Do I see and hear the other players?

Yes, you see all the players and you can also recognize them by their height and body language. Each player can communicate with his or her teammates via microphone and headphone.


Can I move freely in the game?

Yes, the experience is wireless on 100 - 200 square meters depending on the game.


Do you develop the games by yourself? Are you an American franchise?

Nein, die Spiele entwickelt unsere Schweizer Partnerfirma TrueVRSystems in Dietlikon, sowie Somniacs für den Birdly Flugsimulator in Zürich. Mehr Informationen findest du hier: Fusion Arena Spiele. Fusion Arena gehört zur Pandally AG, ein 2017 gegründetes Schweizer Start-Up.


2 Players: Why can't we book just 2 Players?

First things first: You can book the full-body VR game for two under Specials/Special offers in periods when we have enough time for you. Genzone VR also available for 2-4 people.

Why are we restricting the 2-player booking?

  1. All games are designed for 3 or more people.
  2. The games lose some of their effect if there are only two players.
  3. Depending on the game, it is quicker to finish with just two players.

If you would like to come just the two of you outside the available times, please contact us and we will see what is possible.