Do you have a question?

Would you like to book or know if we have space? You can do so directly under “Games” in the menu, then “Book now”.

Opening Hours

Fusion Arena Bern

Reservation required  
Monday 13:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 13:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 21:00
Thursday 13:00 - 22:00
Friday 13:00 - 23:30
Saturday 10:00 - 23:30
Sunday 11:00 - 20:00

Special Opening Hours

Operating holidays

Operating vacations are on December 24, 25, 31, and January 1 of each year.

Your event outside regular opening hours

We accept reservations for groups, events and corporate functions as early as 8 a.m. Monday through Sunday. Upon request, we also conduct individual rounds on closed weekdays and allow us to charge an additional fee.

Access outside center opening hours

Access to the Fusion Arena is also possible outside the regular opening hours of the shopping center via the parking level (VIP entrance YB) or next to the McDonalds via entrance 73.

Wheelchair accessibility

Wheelchair access is provided throughout via the lifts, even when traveling to alien planets.

We are here

You can find us on the lower level in the Wankdorf Shopping Mall. 

Getting there is the first puzzle. We are actually excellently positioned past Zara to the right of Fust, but not easy to reach outside opening hours:

How to get there by public transport

Walk from the bus/tram stop to McDonalds. To the left is entrance 73 with our bell.

How to get there by car

You can park in Bernexpo parking lot 3 directly opposite the Wankdorf Center

Or you can walk across the street to McDonald's. To the left is entrance 73 with our bell. Option two is the Wankdorf Center parking lot. On both levels, our bell is located behind the sliding doors (by the ticket machine) at the second sliding door. You ring the bell, and we open the doors for you.



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Our Locations


Wankdorf Center

Papiermühlestrasse 85

3014 Bern

+41 31 964 77 77


Einkaufszentrum Letzipark

Baslerstrasse 50

8048 Zürich

+41 44 364 77 78


1. Obergeschoss

Bohl 9

9000 St. Gallen

+41 71 671 11 77